Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Litteroma - A Natural Litter Box Deodorizer


Stop buying those commercial litter box deodorizers consisting of fake fragrances and chemicals! Mother Nature has the answer to smelly litter box problems. Not only are these healthier choices but they have many benefits too. Besides, cats have a much keener sense of smell than we do and do not like the overwhelming chemical induced smells coming from scented litters or commercial deodorizers. I always recommend using a good unscented scoopable cat litter. (Not all cat litters are created equal.)

My natural litter box deodorizers are animal-friendly and made with two ingredients; pure baking soda and a special blend of medical/veterinary grade, pure essential oils. The blends themselves are created by holistic veterinarian Melissa Shelton, DVM,  who is an expert on essential oils and animals, and author of Essential Oils for Natural Pet Care: A Veterinarian's Desk Reference for the Top Health Concerns for Cats, Dogs and Horses (2011), and The Animal Desk Reference: Essential Oils for Animals (2012).

There are three different litter box deodorizers available, each with a different blend of veterinary grade essential oils (each blend created by Dr. Shelton). They come in clear plastic bottles (as shown) and have a dual shaker/pour top. Each bottle contains one pound of deodorizer. Choose from:

G I Goe Cat - is great for cats with any type of gastrointestinal concerns, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, indigestion or car sickness. Also good for cats that have an unknown or emotional aversion to the litter box. 

Smells Away Cat - as the name implies, is great for litter box odor elimination (as well as shoes, laundry hampers, dog bedding and more) and is also a great bug repellent! Bugs don't like it and stay away too! Some cats are more attracted to the litter box when this blend is used because it contains Catnip essential oil. 

All Cat - this blend helps support the thyroid, liver, kidney, heart health, reduction of inflammation, and all of the basic things cats are prone to. A tiny addition of Catnip essential oil in this blend helps to promote litter box use.

Not only are these deodorizers non-toxic and safe for cats, they have pleasant aromas that appeal to the most sensitive noses, animals and humans alike, and there are many benefits to the use of essential oils.

Essential oils are Nature's medicines and can effect us and our animals on many different levels; not only on a physical level but also on emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

For instance, my mother has a six-year-old cat that she's has since he was a kitten. Although he's always been good about using the litter box to urinate, he had an aversion to doing number two in it no matter how clean it was. She had tried things like different kinds of litters (Cat Attract worked for awhile) and adding another litter box without success. Then after giving her some of the G I Goe Litteroma to try (which I was using for our cat with IBD), she excitedly reported that he began doing number two in the box instead of beside it!

Litteroma - Choose from: GI Goe, Smells Away or All Cat - (1 lb)  $6.00 each

Please use the "Contact Form" on the right side of this blog to send us an email and let us know what you want to order. We will get back to you with payment and shipping/delivery methods. These are also available on our "Shop" page

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Beneful = Bad News

After receiving thousands of complaints of sick and dead dogs linked to Beneful Dog Food over the last few years, it turns out the FDA actually did do some testing on the dog food and inspections at some of their manufacturing plants as well. But get this: They did the testing and inspections in 2013, but just released the results on their website in April 2016. Three years later. There was no public notice. If it wasn't for our pet food advocate Susan Thixton ( "finding" this information on the FDA's website and making us aware of it, I wouldn't even be telling you this.  

What their reports say are disturbing. For one thing, I'm sure you will be horrified to know that they found the same ingredients in Beneful that were in the foods that caused the largest and deadliest pet food recall in our history (2007), killing thousands of pets. And this is just the beginning. I'm not going to tell you everything they found because Susan Thixton has already done so in her article here:

This company shouldn't be in business, yet dogs are still being fed this poison. And unless you stay informed by someone who keeps up with this stuff or someone who is always surfing the FDA's website, you wouldn't know any better. The FDA releases the information in such a way so as not to bring any attention to it or to let anyone even know about it, but yet if asked about it, they can say that it's right there in public view for anyone to see. You mean you didn't know about it? (Duh.)

They think we are stupid. They don't care about your animals. All they care about is that you keep buying their products which earns them millions. Read the reports. Decide for yourself.

I would never recommend this food to begin with, just based on the ingredients; and then you add all of these findings...scary, to say the least.

Any time I see someone who feeds Beneful to their dogs (dry or wet) I share these articles with them or tell them about what I've learned. Won't you please do the same? It is up to us to bring awareness, which is the key to keeping our pets safe and healthy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Zoopharmacognosy: Animals' Clever Use of Nature's Medicine

Zoopharmacognosy is the study of how animals self-medicate in the wild. After watching a video of Dr. Karen Becker interviewing Caroline Ingraham, and also videos of it being applied to dogs, I was totally fascinated with this! 

Caroline Ingraham is the founder of Applied Zoopharmacognosy and has spent three decades researching and observing how animals heal themselves.

Dr. Becker states, "In applied Zoopharmacognosy, Caroline and other practitioners bring remedies to animals that don't live in the wild, providing them with a wide range to choose from to bring themselves back into health. Empowering animals to self-medicate often results in a swift and complete cure." She offers plant extracts in different forms including using essential oils. Caroline shares some interesting cases in the interview as well as explaining why sometimes dogs will eat things that poison them.

This is really amazing. This is the future of natural medicinal healing for animals! Back to nature, that's what it's about. Nature has the answers. Check out the videos here:

Read the transcript of the interview here.