Did you know there is arsenic in not only rice, but some other foods as well? Did you know that the FDA actually recommends that you only eat rice on a limited basis and suggests you eat a variety of grains to "minimize potential adverse health consequences from eating an excess of any one food"?
In 2012, Consumer Reports did an analysis and report on arsenic in foods. Here is another article posted earlier this year by the New York Times on their Well Blog. (There are many helpful links in this article for more information on the subject.) You can also Google arsenic in rice and get over two million hits.
I mention this because I think if people were more aware of this they would not be giving it to their dogs, especially on a regular basis. Animals are much smaller than we are. If we shouldn't be eating rice on regular basis, even according to the FDA -- then animals certainly shouldn't be either. Personally, I think it is absurd that we eat any food or drink that has any arsenic in it at all! We are not meant to consume poisons. Neither are animals.
I recommend avoiding giving rice to your dog all together. Not only because of the arsenic but because dogs and particularly cats do not need grains in their diet. This is another reason why I suggest grain-free foods for pets. In a natural, species appropriate diet the grains they would receive would be at a minimum, and they would be predigested contents inside of their prey.
This is a far cry from all the grains they put into commercial foods, which also include grains that are genetically engineered (GMO). Just look at all the foods they add rice to. Our pets are little beings -- much smaller than us -- who are being fed this on a regular basis -- typically every meal, day after day, month after month, year after year.
Instead of buying food with grains, go for the grain free. Instead of adding rice or grains to your pet's meals, try some veggies like green beans or pumpkin or better yet -- try adding cooked meats like chicken or turkey -- preferably organic. (I do not recommend processed lunch meats which contain ingredients that become carcinogens after consumed.) Dogs and cats are first and foremost carnivores. They were designed to eat meat. Not grains. Not GMOs. Not poisons.
Another way to help rid yourself and your pets of toxins: Drink structured water.